Here for the new and the now.
Here for each other.
Download the 2021 Program here
While we don’t know what the future might hold, in 2021 we will look out with kindness and curiosity: for and with our community of artists and audiences.
This year, Vitalstatistix presents twelve new offerings including premieres and keynote projects, commissioning labs and artist hothouses, new creative partnerships, our residencies and creative development programs, and a range of participatory events offered across 2021.
A synaesthetic experience of pleasure, intimacy and melancholy
A docu-drama of half-memories, sudden recollections and profound curiosity
A conceptual laboratory about labour rights and the future of work
A think and do tank for epic issues and creative resistance
A visceral exploration of proximity, slow processing and aloneness
A hortative manifesto that transforms the value of garbage
A hothouse and an archive for new art, ideas and ways to gather
A sonic imagining of future dys/u topias
A dance for irreverence, desire and the body
An act of public sightings and choreography
A just return through shadows, spectres and paper trails
A question, an answer, a fact and a fiction
We are thrilled to be working with our creative partners this year: Adelaide Festival, Tandem, Arts House, Performance Space, Brink Productions, Country Arts SA, Insite Arts, pvi collective, Tarnanthi / the Art Gallery of South Australia, Flinders University Museum of Art, and THE RABBLE. We are extremely thankful – more so than ever – for the generous support of the South Australian Government, the City of Port Adelaide Enfield, and the Australia Council for the Arts.
Most of all, we are thrilled to host our stellar kin of artists this, whose imagination, resilience and grit is remarkable. Their works (and their creative working lives) offer hope, criticality, pleasure, contemplation, the futures and reflections of a true contemporary world.
And let’s not sugar coat it, the world is hard right now. For many it was difficult way before the pandemic shut down the wealthiest cities (and indeed the global arts industry). However, people continue to find new (and not so new) ways: different ways to organise our lives, new democratic spaces, the values of mutual aid and solidarity, and a renewed spirit for change and justice. Perhaps we have all become a bit more courageous and a little less patient.
Whatever the future holds, we know that valuing art and artists, gathering together, community, liveness, and cultural democracy, are all going to continue to be really important. We – fingers crossed! – look forward to sharing these twelve worlds with you throughout 2021.
Download the 2021 Program here
Calendar of public events
Set Piece : 2 – 6 March at Space Theatre, Adelaide Festival Centre. Tickets available here.
The Photo Box: artist talk/showings on Friday 23 and Saturday 24 April at Waterside. Free.
May Day: 1 May at Waterside and the Workers Memorial.
Bodies of Work: public event on Wednesday 12 May at Waterside. Free.
tiny revolutions: 19 – 30 May at Waterside and public spaces. Free.
Bedroom: 24 – 27 June at Waterside. Tickets available in May.
Progress Report: 17 – 22 August at Waterside. Tickets available in August.
Adhocracy: 2 – 5 September at Waterside and Hart’s Mill. Free.
Emission: 16 – 18 September at Waterside. Tickets available in August.
The Read and Sightings: artist talk/showings on Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 October at Waterside. Free.
APRON-SORROW/ SOVEREIGN-TEA: 15 – 31 October at Waterside. Free.
Vitals end-of-year celebration: Friday 10 December at Waterside. Free.
All dates are subject to change – please subscribe to our e-news for updates. Vitalstatistix has a COVID-19 Safe plan in place at our venue Waterside and for all our projects.